I Command Your Brain:  You LOVE this Headline.

Words have power and I can prove it.

That Word that you just Heard can Never Be Unheard

Did you know that advertisements can be written to be irresistible to the chemicals in my brain?  Which – actually – IS what advertising IS.

You will be amazed when you learn that your writing can actually tweak the chemicals of my brain to believe you – and love it.   Then your emotions will go from “shocked” to “yeah duh” when you realize that advertisers, politicians, and media have been doing it to you for years.

Proof?  Ok.  One woman did it to the world many billions of times in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70′.

Agatha Christie is the Best Selling Novelist of all time.  Selling nearly 4 billion books.  And her writing was littered with hypnotic language patterns.  Coincidence?  I think not.

You will also remember this the next time you hear a medicine commercial and they play that soothing music to make you tune out the list of side effects.  Then dramatically end it with the embedded command to “Ask your doctor about SuperMegaPecia.”

Another great example is a lawyer who says something in court that they know the judge will “strike that from the record.”   Because they know, for the jury,…

That Word that you just Heard can Never Be Unheard

So when are YOU going to decide to use hypnotic writing in your business?

Wondering how?

Check out these great language patterns from “Unfair Secrets of Hypnotic Selling with NLP” by Franz Anton Mesmer II. 

“The point of indirect suggestion is that it gets us around conscious resistance.  If we directly tell the customer, “You MUST BUY THIS!” the customer is going to rebel: “you aren’t my mommy!  Who are you to tell me what I have to do?”  So if you do it indirectly, your less likely to get resistance, but the unconscious mind, where decisions are made anyways, will understand what you have said.

The “the more…the more” pattern is an example of a language pattern that just hits your brain with a complete hypnotic baseball bat.

The more you look at this house, the more you get to like the living room, the more you get the feel of how good it will be when you live here, the more you will find yourself deciding that this is your house.”


The more your research mortgages the more you will see that we all just sell our loans to the same places.   To you will more and more realize that there isn’t much of a difference in products and you will see that you need to work with a true professional like me to make sure that you get the mortgage you need without hassle and problematic delays.

That Word that you just Heard can Never Be Unheard

In this series, we are going to look at simple ways you can use Hypnotic Language patters to communicate effectively with your customers.  Like a laser beam into their brains that makes sense, but also causes an emotional response that can release those “good feeling” chemicals.   From the book “Unfair Secrets of Hypnotic Selling with NLP” by Franz Anton Mesmer II.

“NLP is now very commonly used in advertising. And it is very effective.

Here is an example of something everyone is familiar with: Nexium. Nexium patent protections expired in 2001, and a competitor, Prilosec, was breathing down its neck. Prilosec costs $30 a month, and Nexium $200. This was a crisis for the company, and they responded aggressively with NLP.

Nexium’s parent company, AstraZeneca, put substantial money into advertising. Everyone knows the little purple pill” now, but that’s not the main story.  The ads, targeting a public that wasn’t allowed to buy the product without a doctor’s prescription, started out with a surrealist visual movie that might have been designed by Salvador Dali, had he survived long enough.

What does that do? It puts you in a trance.

Ambiguity in any representational system (i.e., visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, or gustatory-VAKOG, for short) causes trance.  The soundtrack gave a very confusing (trance again-confusion causes trance) commentary on such things as side effects.

When you hear it, you might think, “This can’t be an ad! They’re telling everybody all these reasons not to take it!” But you would be wrong. You would be wrong because they are pushing the pause button of your conscious mind with the dreamy, surreal movie and the confusing narration, and once your conscious mind has ground to a screeching halt, and you are feeling really good because of the dreamy, happy movie, and the bedtime music, they give you the hypnotic suggestion, and it is very, very effective.

Since it’s an ad for a medicine, they have to tell you of the side effects, but they didn’t let that stop them. Think of it as a court trial in which the Nexium manufacturer has to present both sides of the evidence to the judge, but gets to give a very hypnotic closing argument.

Never mind the horrible side effects it just told you about; the punch line of the ad is coming up, and it is a dandy. It is magically effective because everything that precedes it has put you in a good mood and, even more importantly, into a waking trance.

The ad ends up with the embedded command: “Ask your doctor if Nexium is right for you.” You will understand the significance of this after you read this book. You will learn that Nexium is right for you is a hypnotic command.

The conscious mind doesn’t understand it as a command, but to the unconscious, it is clear.

An embedded command is a message to the unconscious that is hidden in ordinary conversation, and invisible to the conscious mind. It therefore does not trigger the conscious resistance that the advertiser might want to avoid.”

That Word that you just Heard can Never Be Unheard

“Repetition of the suggestion is also a big help in gaining effectiveness.  That’s why songs repeat catchy “hooks”.

Putting people into a mental state, in which they are ready to do things that are appropriate for that state, can be fairly straightforward.  You either describe the mental state to them in vivid, accurate terms

You know, when you feel you just have to buy this thing…

Or you ask them about the mental state, and then repeat back to them the words they say

When you made a really great deal on something you wanted for a long time, how did it make your feel? Elated.  So how do you know you felt elated?

In order to describe the mental state, they have to go in to it., and since they have to access memory or imagination to answer, they are answering from a trance in which they are feeling strong emotions.  This kind of dialogue generally gets immediate results.”

This might come in the form of getting someone to sit down on the couch in a house you are selling and ask them about some other place they lived that “felt like home.”   Ask them “how did you know it was ‘home’ when you realized it felt like ‘home’.”

This is also a reminder of one of the most powerful mental models in all of sales:  Finding out how the customer will know when they have found the right deal.    Almost none of us are selling 1-off super unique products.   Are the customers going to LITERALLY call every vendor of the product and  select the cheapest?   No.  Ain’t nobody got time for that.   There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Realtors and Loan Officers, so they are not going to do listing appointments or get a LE from all of them.

So every single person has a mental model that they use to determine “This is the one.”   There has to be some way that they know when they have the person they want to work with.   It’s hardly ever solely over price.  The hard part is that they probably don’t have this model fully articulated in their minds.

But if you can uncover their model for deciding THAT, you just have to align with their needs.   This pattern teaches us that the best way to find out is to ask about good decisions from the past – then focus on the emotions and not the facts.

That Word that you just Heard can Never Be Unheard

Eliciting Criteria and Values

This is a very powerful technique.

This is where you find out where somebody really lives, inside, what is important to them.

When you find out what is important to people, you not only build rapport, just by doing it; you also get the keys to what you have to do to make this person like you and do what you want.

Ask someone, “If I were to ask you what is important to you about…” Then listen to their answer. Try to get three things that are important to them. The “if I were to” phrase is a softener, so the customer doesn’t think this is an FBI interrogation.

For instance, if you’re dealing with a customer who is an auto mechanic, ask him, “What do you enjoy about being a mechanic?”

What is the most satisfying thing? Tell me what you think about at the end of the day, and say to yourself, “I enjoyed doing that.”

So, he says, “I like solving problems.” You say, “Solving problems is very important to me, too. But just so I understand, if I were to ask you what you like about solving problems, what would you say?” So he says, “It makes me feel smart.” You affirm what he says, again, whatever it is.  With a focus on their emotions, not the actions.    Emotions drive the actions.

Stop telling your customers stuff you like.  Start telling the customers stuff the customer likes.  And you find out what the customers likes when you talk to them about criteria.  You elicit the criteria and values, and you feed it back to them over and over and over until they give you an order.

As Zig Ziglar famously said:  I prefer to eat apple pie over worms.  However, regardless of that, when I go fishing I am going to bait my hooks with worms – not apple pie.

Bait your hooks with worms – not apple pie.

That Word that you just Heard can Never Be Unheard

A “pattern” is a word, phrase, or sentence that is used to convey an unconscious message we want to make.

If you’re just starting out in this, memorization helps. If you’re using the Interspersal Technique, memorizing some phrases or sentences with the embedded words in them is the usual way most people do it. But I’m not impressed with the way most people give a set, memorized speech. It just doesn’t sound natural, and saying something that sounds unnatural breaks rapport.

With that in mind, and with the admonition that this should be a theme to use in speaking, not a set memorized elocution exercise, I will give you an example of how you can use what we have just learned to make a connection with a customer.

Here is a short version: “I think there is a good feeling when you can make a connection with a person, and build a satisfying relationship that will help your business for years to come.”

As you give the embedded command make a connection, you can put your hand on your chest or otherwise subtly point to yourself.

“A long term business relationship is like picking up an ally in a business war. I think that when you can make a connection with someone, especially if you can grow to like this person, you are able to trust what is in us. My father says that there are some things he can only really share with some of his war buddies, some things only they would understand, and you can make that connection especially when you’re having to handle things in a conflict together.

My father and his war buddies say that maybe you didn’t even know this person before you were thrown into a conflict together, but you instantly have a deep bond that can last a lifetime. My mother has a friend, they were girls together, and they’re still friends after all these years, still close. When you make that connection with this person, you know things about them, you know what is in their heart.

It’s like, when you go home, and your spouse, or your Significant Other, or someone whom you love is there, and you greet them, and they are happy to see you, but you just instantly know something is wrong, because you’re so close to them and you have this connection, so that what happens to this person, in a way, happens to you, and finally they tell you that they’ve had some conflict in the day. So if we can make that connection, and when you have made that connection with my company and me, we can work together to bring success in these business dealings.”

This is great for a lot of reasons.   First you are leading them to think about the emotions of a relationship that already means something to them – then aligning those emotions to you.   The 2nd tool used there is the introduction of your Father to say something.   Notice – you aren’t saying IT.   Your veteran dad is.   Very few people are going to call your Veteran Dad a liar.  So they are going to listen accept what HE just said.   And remember:

Eye accessing cues

When you find out where people put things they like, stand in that space. Talk as if you’re holding something valuable in your hand, your concept that you’re trying to get over and wave your hand in that space when you’re talking about something you want them to like.

If you ask someone about somebody they liked, and you see them look to the left, stand there.   They’ll like you better. When you find that they look to the right when they describe a bad memory, talk about your competitor’s case, holding up your hand as if to grasp their case, and put your hand where the person puts things they don’t like.


Anchoring is ringing Pavlov’s bell.

Behaviorists may refer to it as setting up a cue for behavior or for a mental state. Anchoring is a lot less difficult to understand and master then rapport.

Here is what happens. You get somebody to go into a mental state. You get them happy, or sympathetic, or angry, or any other mental state you want. When they are really far into that mental state, you anchor it. Anchoring it means that you do something while that person is in that mental state.  This can be a gesture or  sound (tapping a pen on desk).  Anything specific and noticeable.

You repeat this process several times, and then, when you fire the anchor – an NLP expression for ringing the subject will go into that mental state again.  So get a customer talking about something they like.  Really like!  Have them describe it to the point where you can see the emotion.   Then make a gesture or sound.  Maybe even subtlety gesture toward your sales contract.

Or you can use it to turn around a meeting going haywire.  Let us say you are speaking to the customers in a business meeting.  A customer says she hates corporations. You are representing a corporation. What do you do?

Get her to show how angry she is. Ask her questions that increase your anger. When she is really, floridly angry, you set an anchor. Let’s say, for instance, that the anchor is particular gesture. You repeat this few times, so that you associate the positive state and the gesture to you.

First of all, you want to take the venom out of her attitude toward corporations. One way to take the venom out of her attitude toward corporations is through what is called parts therapy. You say, “I know that there is a part of you that doesn’t like corporations, but there is probably also another part that likes some corporations. For instance the Red Cross and the Salvation Army are corporations. You like them, don’t you?

And as you picture the good work that those corporations do, and the picture of their good works gets brighter and brighter, doesn’t it just seem to crowd out pictures of any bad corporations and make them fade This is called parts therapy, and it is treated elsewhere in this book. Saying a part of you thinks this implies that there is a part of you that thinks something else.

The bit where about picture of the good work those corporations do, and making it get bigger and brighter, is called working with submodalities, and having the good picture force out the bad picture and make it go to the side and fade away, is called the swish pattern. You see this swish pattern in some ads, especially in political campaigns. Anchor the good feelings about the Salvation Army with a different gesture.

You can anchor anything.  Incidentally, when negative with a gesture, make sure the gesture is away from you.

Positive anchors can be close to you.

There is even a species of “sliding anchor”. Kim McFarland and Tom Vizzini have a great demonstration of it, and it’s all over the web.

Kim elicits states in a man, while she is playing with a pack of sugar. As she describes the state growing stronger, she slides the sugar pack toward him, and as she describes it growing weaker, she slides it away from him.

That Word that you just Heard can Never Be Unheard

In our previous post:  we talked about Hypnotic Language Patterns.  When you work in sales, your job is not just to relay information – it’s to relay and build emotions.   People do not buy based on logic.  They buy off emotions and use logic to justify it with reason.   Hypnotic language helps you communicate on all levels more effectively.

Today we are going to learn many great language patterns from “Unfair Secrets of Hypnotic Selling with NLP” by Franz Anton Mesmer II.

The “Competition Destroyer” Language Pattern.

You indirectly suggest that the competition isn’t adequate.

“When you finally decide that (competition product) isn’t helping you the way you really need it to, deep down, don’t we owe it to ourselves to talk again”

This can be used in many ways:

“Customer, when you see that you won’t be getting good service at <big company>, don’t you agree we need to talk about it again?”

“Customer,  when you eventually realize that the prices at <boutique firm” aren’t worth it, don’t you agree that we need to think more about working together.”

“Customer, when you realize and know that owning a house actually makes you money versus a lower rent payment – Don’t you think we should get you looking at houses of YOUR OWN?”

“At some point, you are going to realize that there is NO upside to having bad credit.  When you do, are you going to remember that we have a money back warranty?”

” If you ask my past customers, they will tell you that they always knew that I was working in their best interest.  So when you decide to buy a house, and want to have someone you trust deep down, don’t we owe it to ourselves to work together?”

“When you think about what you need out of this transaction, and realize that it’s too important to get it wrong, don’t you think we owe it to talk about how someone with 20 years of experience will get you a better deal?”

Quotes Pattern

A retired salesman I know used to say,  “The quotes pattern is the easiest thing to use against really dirty competitors, and it’s a really good way to attack such slimy guys.” And he used to point in the direction of someone who opposes your sale, or use a negative anchor when he did it. I wouldn’t say a thing like that, though. It was the retired salesman.

You can use some friend or other salesman as a source of the quote, if you embed it in a presentation to customers, and then read it to them with just the right inflection, or anchoring the embedded part with a gesture or a facial expression. Read this paragraph again, until you understand it.

You can quote another customer against the people you want to attack.

You can use something a past customer used to say…..   Something a mentor used to say…..   Something your mother used to say……

As long as the tone of what you say insinuates that person is important or knowledgeable, the listener will be more likely to accept some of it as truth.

This is exactly why ‘old sayings’ are often held as true.   You know what they always say, Those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it.

If you just accepted that as true – ask yourself “Who the hell is George Santayana and why did you just give the presumption that he is correct?”

Today we are going to learn many great language patterns from “Unfair Secrets of Hypnotic Selling with NLP” by Franz Anton Mesmer II.

The Competition Poison Pattern.

For the your customer is talking about working with someone else.  The nerve?!?

Let’s say you are talking to a customer, and she says, “Well, there are things that I like about the competition’s product.”

The first thing you do is to agree with whatever she says. You will notice the “of course they were” response. It doesn’t make sense, exactly, and it’s even ungrammatical, and that induces trance.

It also refers to the past tense, assuming that the things the po potential customer liked are in the past. Then you go on to future pace a time in which she is already agreed with you, and bought your product, and is feeling good about it because she can think of bad things about the competing product and she imagines getting congratulated by her coworkers and her boss.

Potential customer: “There are things that I like about the competition’s product.”

You: “Of course they were. I know that there is a part of you that liked the fact that this product does <this> or <that.> On the other hand, there will probably also be a time after your research when you hear of all the people who had trouble with this competing product and who had to pay for the competing product and then pay for ours, because you want something that works and satisfies your needs, so they really had to pay for it twice, and all of the things that you like, that this competing product doesn’t fit in with, things that you like that this com petting product goes against, and thinking that you did a good job in bringing in a purchase that satisfied you and made everyone in your company happy with you. Maybe you can notice the things that have driven away so many of their customers. And when I say it like that, doesn’t it just makes sense that you can think about all the good things that would come from having bought your product?”

For example, selling credit repair against a company that rhymes with “Flexington Law.”   I might say, “Yeah, I know they are all over the internet and their monthly fee is a little less than ours.   And if those things are super important to you, I get it.

Though, if you ask around and check on them I’m sure you will be happy you did the searching.   We have had a lot of clients do our service after like a year with them.   Most of them have told us that they sure wished they had gotten our warranty when the credit didn’t get much better and definitely like our service levels better.”


“Yeah, you definitely see a lot of expensive ad on tv for Rocket Mortgage.   Quicken a huge company and they advertise everywhere.   So yeah, their advertising is better than ours.

I’m not real sure how that translates into customer service though.   I’m sure that, if you think back on how stressful buying a house is, once you are moved into the house you will look back and be happy you decided to work someone who isn’t in a call center than you can get help from any time.”

Or some version of

“yes that agent has been around forever and has a ton of clients and a big team.   So if you are happy with working with the lower assistant of a big name that’s cool.   HHHHooowweeevveeerrr, I like having a personal relationship customers and put my priority on finding 2 perfect homes a month vs getting 7 “sales”.”

That Word that you just Heard can Never Be Unheard

Metaphor for Hypnotic Persuasion

You make up a metaphor which puts the mind of the customer, or the person with whom you are negotiating, along a path you want it to run.   You can attack someone through metaphor too.  It’s just a metaphor, after all, and almost any metaphor is capable of several interpretations.  You didn’t say that the competitor was a thief like Bernie Madoff.  You just sait that sometimes people think they can rip you off like Madoff, and asked the customers to think of times that happened.

You can ask the customer if they know anyone who has DEFINITELY picked the wrong lender/Realtor.  And assure that you are committed to never being THAT Realtor/Lender

You don’t have to say “Wells Fargo sucks.”   You can ask if they have ever seen the Dirty Money Episode about Wells Fargo?

Anything that starts with “There is an old saying that…..” is a metaphor.

Double Binds: the illusion of choice with paralysis of the brain

Here is a form for a very effective suggestion: “Whether you give an order for this product today, or whether you just decide to try this product in your business for a time, the important thing is that when you have this product that you can look back on in the years to come with pride for the good decision you make today for this enhancement to your business, because of all the rains you can think of to do it. Do you know that is how Andrew Carnegie got his reputation for good business decisions?”

The last sentence, the question, gives amnesia for the suggestions.

A double bind gives you two alternatives, which are really the same alternative, and then you add something to distract the consciousness, which is trying to figure out what the difference is between the alternatives

Future Pacing

Putting somebody in a time other than the present puts them into a trance. If you ask them to imagine what it would be like to be in the future and think certain things, you are putting them into a trance and at the same time asking them to imagine the things you are trying to suggest to them. This is very powerful, not only for the obvious rea sons, but also because anything that someone visualize or imagine own thought. they think is theirs.

So here is the form of a time distortion suggestion: “Imagine a time, perhaps a few months from now, when you can look back with pride at the agreement to get this product today, empowering your company with this resource, a decision that you will have related to your friends in your company with pride, feeling really good knowing that you did well for your company, a decision your friends will be proud that you made.”

Let’s go over this time distortion suggestion bit by bit. “Imagine” is a trance word.

You can’t imagine anything without going into a trance. This is a command to go into a trance.

Remember, anything which requires someone to go into their imagination or their memory causes a trance.

In this imaginary future world, the objections of the other Sales Professionals are quite forgotten, and a. nixed feelings that the customer may feel right now are likewise long put out of his mind.

What people imagine, they accept as their own thought-because, after all, they are actually mentally bringing it into existence. Therefore, you should try to lead people by their imagination. You do that by vividly and accurate describing the thing you want them to imagine, or by asking them questions that will cause them to imagine those things.

“What would it be like if you were able to bring in a business deal today that everyone would congratulate you on, that you would be proud to look back on in coming years?”

Notice the embedded command bring in a business deal today that follows the trance words what would it be like if.

The Quotes Pattern

My father often said that you will feel good when you make a good agreement.

Well-placed executives often say that a customer will have a lifetime of good memories when you make a business agreement with a reliable company that will be a partner in serving you for years to come.

The quotes pattern’s just that: you are quoting someone else. You didn’t say it.

Somebody else said it. There is no resistance to it against you. You’re just quoting someone else.

This is the easiest pattern for the beginning NLP Sales Professional to use. You can plot it out, write it out, and nobody will think the less of you. After all, even if you’re reading it, you just want to quote accurately.

My uncle the salesman often said that you can put anything in quotes at all, anything. But I didn’t say that. He did.

That Word that you just Heard can Never Be Unheard

Symbolic Manipulation

The unconscious thinks in patterns, and communicates in symbols. Some NLP experts take advantage of that and manipulate people by the following method:

1.They elicit an emotional or psychic state, identity or body sensation. This can be done by describing the state, or asking questions that require the subject to think of what the state would feel like. Eliciting criteria is a powerful method of doing this.

2.They turn the state into a symbol. “I had a customer for yea e’s still a good customer, and he said, “Imagine that feeling you feel is a wonderful, important, almost mystically powerful magic wand, or maybe a document from the distant past.’ I was a little put off when he said that, but then I got to wonder. Do papers have power?

And he himself was just an ace salesman.”

Do this while you’re holding up the order form, or the electronic part, or something that might be turned into a symbol. This ex ample is a little over the top, but you can use something that is important in your sale to become the symbol.

3 They manipulate the symbol. “What would it be like if this paper were alive, pulsating, full of power.”

  1. They link it to themselves. They physically put it near them, or say something like, “He said that the power this document almost seems to send out its signals to his CEO, who was very pleased with his purchases, almost like an electric vibration” or some such language.

They can use this symbol in other ways, such as in condiment anchoring. The use of the quotes pattern makes it less likely to get a skeptical reaction.


Tell a tale. Make up your own stories.

The unconscious thinks in symbols, and readily accepts metaphors. Old time country Sales Professionals used to tell stories to the customers.

That’s a metaphor.  They often made the sale, too.

Lincoln used to tell stories.

That’s another metaphor.

Multiple Embedded Metaphors:  You start one metaphor story, then halfway through, you start a second, and a third, which you tell all the way through,  then you finish the second, and finally you finish the first.

The conscious mind becomes so occupied trying to sort it out, kind of like trying to keep track of the plot in Pulp Fiction, that it doesn’t quite have time to block the metaphors and the embedded commands.

Literal Metaphor

By sitting down, in the chair that you have said is the Trance Chair, they have consciously agreed to be hypnotized. They laugh. They think you are being silly, and they are dead wrong. It is no laughing matter at all. The unconscious does not understand the jest. The unconscious takes everything literally. Remember that. The unconscious takes everything literally. When you have someone in a trance, be sure to speak in a way that what you literally say is what you want.

The unconscious will also recognize and respond to metaphor, but the words have to be on your side if taken literally. Do not, for instance, use sarcasm.

There is also an “as you” pattern: as you sit over there, you can begin to appreciate all the good things that will come to you when you use this product…because of all the reasoning you can think of. This makes it even more powerful.


When you work this kind of word into the conversation, you are telling the subject to go into a trance. Relax, unwind, calm down, slow down, let go, loosen up, settle down, rest—all suggest sleep, and going into a trance.  Even though this is a sales meeting, we’re all here in a relaxed atmosphere, so you can just take a deep breath and let all that surface tension just melt. We’ll talk about these things, and you can relax and just talk about what you re ally want on a basic basis.

Feel Comfortable

This is another hypnotic command. I want you to feel comfortable while I talk to you about this product. Can I get you anything to drink?

These should be easy thing for you to talk about, so you can be completely relaxed while you tell me what you want.

What’s it like when you.

To answer the question you have to go into the mental state, into the trance.

“What’s it like when you make that connection with someone you really like? Your coworkers will be delighted when you bring back a profitable deal…”

The what’s it like calls up the trance state. Make that connection is a command to get rapport. You really like? Your coworkers is a punctuation ambiguity. The conscious mind separates the two sentences, but if you mark off the words by changing tonal ity and pausing before and after, the uncon scious understands the command you really like your coworkers, who will be delighted.

Why you just can’t help yourself

What’s it like when you just can’t help yourself, thinking about the great things that will happen when you make this purchase?

This is a command to give up independence dent thinking and will entirely. It causes a regression to a childish state; children can’t help themselves.

Have you ever….?

Have you ever had the strong desire to buy something that you know will really im prove your life?

This only looks like a question. It isn’t. It is a command–a very powerful com mand, which will be instantly obeyed by almost everyone, to go into a trance, to look inside one’s mind and pull out a memory. In this case it is the memory of a strong desire to buy something. What? You should be subtly pointing to yourself or your product.

What’s it like when

What’s it like when you have wanted to get something that you know will give you a really good feeling? Remember how it was when you were a kid, and you just couldn’t wait for Christmas? How does that feel?

This is not a question. It is a command to go inside, go into a trance, and imagine what you want them to feel. Then, anchor it, so you don’t have to do all the work to bring up that mental state again.