Being a leader is like being a parent, and you each employee should be treated like a new member of the family. When a father gives away the bride, it’s ceremonially saying “I have taken care of her this far. And I trust you to take care of her from here.”
It should be the same when they send our children to your company. When we do that, the employees will take on the name of the company, with pride, like it was their family name. They will wear the logo with pride. They will defend the company’s name as if it was their own.
Leaders of great companies do not see their people as a commodity to be managed to grow the money. These companies don’t sacrifice the people to save the numbers. They use the money as a way to grow the people. That way the people are the fuel that burns to grow a bigger and more robust organization. They feed the hearts and souls of the people who work there. And, in return, they give everything they got to make the organization grow and grow and grow.
You must see the money as subordinate to the people. And you must be careful to hire talent sufficient to inspire you to feel this way. If you cannot hire and train people to be valuable enough to see their value, you must re-evaluate your ability to hire and train.
This is a sneak peak of a new series coming on the GREAT book “Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Sinek. You loved him in “Start with Why” and you will keep loving him in “Leaders Eat Last.” Or at least -for the love of God – watch his TED talk. It’s only like the most watched one ever.