Today’s blog post is from: Yes!  50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive
By Goldstein, Martin, and Cialdini
 Small little changes to your message can have drastic improvements in results.
Persuasion is science, not art.  And Cialdini is the master of studying and teaching that. 

How can you become a Jedi Master of Persuasion?

Labeling Technique:  Assign a trait, attitude, or belief to a person.  Then ask them to do something that is consistent with that label.

Study: interviewed a large number of potential voters.  Told some they were categorized as “above average citizens likely to vote and take part in the political process” or as “about average.”  Those given “good citizen” labels, saw themselves as better citizens and where 15% more likely to vote in elections.

If someone in a work team is struggling and losing confidence.  A useful approach would be to remind him of how hardworking and persevering he is.  Maybe point out times he has triumphed.

Works on kids too.  Research shows that when teachers said that a student “seemed like someone who would care about good handwriting” they would practice their handwriting more often.

Many of the airlines will have the chief flight attendant say “we know you have many choices, thanks for choosing us.”  Labeling you as someone who trusts this airline.

Or saying that someone who has chosen your company shows their confidence in your company and in you and that you will continue to appreciate and justify that confidence.

There is an 18th century saying: Give a dog a bad name and hang him is an English proverb. Its meaning is that if a person’s reputation has been besmirched, then he will suffer difficulty and hardship. A similar proverb is he that has an ill name is half hanged.

This works for the positive as well.  Giving someone a good reputation to live up to works as well or better.