Key Takeaways 

  • People live out all of the potential downsides in the mere reflection of what other people will think about them in the future, should they fail
  • Shame only exists in the shadows; identify when you have the hesitation to confront something and ask yourself why you may be experiencing that hesitation
  • The difference between successful people and the most successful people is that the most successful people say no to almost everything
  • Success comes down to doing the obvious thing for an extraordinary period of time without convincing yourself that you are smarter than you are
  • The first step to achieving a massive dream is conquering tiny impulses
  • Opportunities only look like opportunities in the rear-view mirror; today, they only seem like risk
  • Most of the pain that people experience is purely in their own minds
  • There is always someone who has had it worse and has done it better
  • Power follows the blame finger: you give power to wherever you point the blame to
  • Pain moves people far more effectively than pleasure does
  • We commonly sacrifice the thing we want for the thing that is supposed to get it
  • Three most common traits that hyper-successful people have: a superiority complex, insecurity, and impulse control
  • What is the thing that you can do longer than anyone else where to them it looks like work, and to you, feels like play?
  • Constantly ask yourself: “What are we optimizing for?”
  • Try to be directionally correct instead of trying to be absolutely correct