Pre-Suppositon #4:  People are not their behaviors.  Accept the person, change the behavior.

Stem Cells. Do you  know how Stem cells  work? They were first  discovered in the Umbilical  Cord. They are blank  Cells that can become  any other cell.

They are the cells that become US.    And just like these cells  that we are made oat  of, we are born  as a blank slate.  Neither Good nor bad.  Neither successful nor  unsuccessful.  Its what happens from  then on that defines  as as a person.

Which is why we would want to accept the person, and change …….the ……. behavior.

Alas, murder is illegal

In NLP, the concept is that” if one person  Can do something -Anyone else CAN do it too.” It takes the right attitude and behaviors. Because, as we noted on previous posts, attitude will lead to behaviors which leads to results. That’s just how the game of lifeworks.

So, to encourage the person to change, you will want to accept the person. Accept  that the CAN change. Believe in them so they believe in themselves. This will increase their emotion and radically increase the odds of  Success!!

Today’s Well That Makes Sense blog post is brought to you by Simple Credit Repair at

Simple Credit Repair is have a program that MAKES the credit bureaus DELETE your bad credit.  We can make them delete anything.  Including bankruptcies and foreclosures.  Student loans, collections, medical bills and even judgments.

Which really means to you that we can show you how to increase your credit score well over 100 points very quickly.   And we know that we can do this because, on average, we are deleting nearly 50% of people’s bad credit in the first 30 days.    And we are even so confident that we offer you a money back warranty.

If you work in an industry that relies on credit approvals, contact to partner with Simple Credit Repair at or (888)337-0626.   Their program can quickly turn the credit reports around and their system AUTOMATICALLY send the clients back to you for help.

Because Simple is Better