Reading Notes For: 

Entry Ramps

Entry ramps are simply transition phrases that quickly signal to the audience what is coming next. They help the presenter/speaker stay on track, too.

The easiest and most common entry ramp or transition to the tie-down is: “The reason I share that with you is … .”

▪ What this means to you is …

▪ I share this/that story with you because …

▪ Why this matters to you is …

▪ I believe this matters to you because …

▪ The point of all this is …

▪ This is relevant to you because …

▪ My point is …

▪ I bring this to your attention because …

▪ I invite you to consider …

▪ This is applicable in your situation because …

▪ What’s in it for you is …

▪ The reason you should care is …

▪ This is pertinent information because …

▪ The value to you is …

▪ This relates to you because …

▪ The reason that is cool is …

▪ This is significant because …

▪ This directly correlates to you because …

▪ This is very fitting because …

▪ This story is appropriate because …

The tie-down explicitly outlines the precise value of the message in the context of what is important to the audience and their current needs. When you can accomplish all that, the magical outcome is influence.

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