Today’s Blog post comes from
“Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work)”
by Stephan Schiffman
Get it off Amazon Here
Even More Cold Calling Appointment Scripts
Prospect: Why don’t you tell me something about your product?
(remember that you must give a brief, direct answer to a prospect’s question)
You: Well, Mr. Jones, we have been in business for 9 years and helped over 90,000 people repair their credit. We’ve developed a number of ways where a client can improve their scores over 100 points quickly. I’m just curious, what do you do?
Prospect: blah,blah
You: Really? Has that been working for you?
Prospect: Sure it has.
You: Oh, that’s great then. We really should get together so I can show you ways we can complement ABC.
Prospect: Why don’t you put something in the mail? Let me take a look at it and I’ll give you a call back. I’m really kind of busy right now.
You: Actually the only reason I called is to set up an appointment. Would next Tuesday be ok?
Prospect: Well, not really. You know, I’ll tell you the truth. This is my busiest time of the year.
You: I have an idea. What are you doing four weeks from today?
Prospect: Let me check. Nothing.
You: Well why don’t we get together Friday the 11th at 2:00?
BE PREPARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: Good morning Mr. Jones, this is Steve Schiffman from Widget Management here in New York. I don’t know if you know who we are, but we’re a major supplier of widgets in the area. We’ve worked with ABC Corp and 123 Corp. Anyway, the reason I’m calling you today specifically is to set up an appointment so I can tell you the way in which we’ve been successful with other companies. How’s Tuesday at 2:00?
Chapter7: Mastering Third Party and Referral Calls
The Third Party Call: The basic steps
- Get the person’s attention
- Identify yourself and your company
- Give the reason for your call
- Ask for the appointment.
Get attention as usual with “Good Morning <name>”
Identify yourself as usual “This is Steve Schiffman. I’m the President of DEI Franchise Systems. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of us but we’re an international sales training company here in New York City. I also have offices in Chicago and Los Angeles. I do a lot of work with…..”
- And now mention the XYZ, the ABC, and the 123 Companies. This is painting the picture. I said key words of what I do that they might be interested in. I’ve mentioned XYZ, the ABC, and the 123 Companies, which are major players in the area but familiar names to Mr. Jones.