“Whoever is asking the questions is generally running the conversation.”
I think we all know this one. Though it’s good to have a reminder to not let our client conversations get out of hand.
Mind you, it’s good to have the client asking some questions because it can act as a trial close. This also lets you discover the thought lines that are important to them. As long as you don’t cede control of the conversation to them.
You are in charge of the conversation, and where it’s going. Which is obviously going to a closed sale.
When you feel like the client is starting to take over, there are some great catch all questions you can ask to regain your place.
“What makes you say that?” -> This is a great one. It breaks the momentum. This is great to use in a situation where the client is saying something that seems obvious to them, but you have (or can see) other possible options. It makes them stop their momentum to explain themselves.
You: “What makes you say that?” Them: “What do you mean? Obviously, I would want to take the lowest payment!” You: “The reason I ask is that I talk to a lot of people. Yes, many people want the lowest payment. But most people want the lowest payment only if it doesn’t cost a ton. Or some people want to save the most money. Saving the most money is taking you to a 15 year payment. You will literally save hundreds of thousands of dollars. Though we both know that you said you can’t afford the higher payment . So to save get your lowest payment the next step is ……”
“Are you sure about that??” -> Can be used in the same way as above?
“And doing that will solve _____ ?” -> To bring up an unresolved point from the client’s thought process
One of my favorites is “When you say ___ , what do you mean?” -> Use this to use an language ambiguity to hinge the conversation is a different direction.
Me: “I see a lot of credit reports. So, when YOU say your credit is ‘a lot better’ what do you mean?” Them: “It was like 550. And I have been working on it and now it’s pretty good. I think it’s like 620.” Me: “Oh, ok. Cool. Well good job getting it up. I’m sure it’s that was a lof of work. So good job there. I just wanted to find out where on the scope of things you were talking. I know you want to buy a house. I read the other day that the average credit score on a home loan last year was 722 , so you can see that we are still a ways off from that. What we want to is…..”
Or the next more advanced version: “When you say ___, do you really mean ____ .” Requires a little higher level of rapport.
“When you say that it’s not worth it to refinance, do you mean that the cost is too high? Them: “yeah” You: “That’s what I thought. Which is why I was going to show you the ……………. option.
Then layer with “That’s why I thought too” or “most of my other clients thought/said” or “if you are like me, and I think you are, we would….”
Now go sell someone something.