COMPEL them to do it NOW: Make it real and assume the sale: Make it real – in their gut- and assume the sale. They buy for emotional reasons, but it’s got to feel like it’s really, really true. Make them feel like, if they buy it’s heaven and don’t is hell.
Point out what they want and really make it feel like it’s there. Paint vivid pictures of what they really want happening.
- It’s A LOT easier if you can get them to envision themselves with your product. Imagination is 10x as powerful as your will.
- Fear is #1 emotion that stops people – but they generally aren’t based on logic or justified. It’s based off imagination. Got a bug in your mind and it went crazy.
- Get them to immediately change focus by asking questions. Can destroy an objection by simply asking a question.
- “if you were to invest in this product right now, what do you think the best benefit would be?” “No seriously, think about it.” (if get resistance)
- “If you had bought already, what would have changed your mind.”
- Stock brokers sending fake checks to clients showing gains.
Point, Tell, and Paint
- Point out what they want it for. First determine ERBN/LRBN. “you want a ___ that will ____, is that correct?” Test close
- Tell them “our ___ will do that for you.”
- Paint “When you own this ___ and ____ happens, is that what you really want?” Really paint the picture. “When you own this computer system and your efficiency in your accounting dept jumps 30% and people aren’t flipping out on a Friday afternoon , is that what you really want?” <assume the sale>
Exercise: What are 5 questions that would really put people in state of imagining owning? Using senses if possible>
Convert objections into commitments: The best salespeople in the world typically make their sale after 5 objections. Objections are the way to find that 1 last DRAB you couldn’t find. You find out what is influencing this person RIGHT NOW. Provide the strongest opportunity to close.
- Resist the urge to fight. Align. Be on their side and see their point.
- Best way to handle an objection is to brag about it before they get a chance. And test close in advance. Kill the monster while it’s a baby.
- 10 Steps to handling any objection:
1. Ignore it. Most are just automatic and not thought about.
2. Hear the person out. Really listen. Sometimes it will just burn itself out.
3. Feed it back (nicely). “it costs too much?” Now he has to defend or explain.
4. Question: Don’t say “why you saying that”. Say “ya know, I know you have reasons for saying that, do you mind if I ask what they are?”
5. Make it a final objection. “That’s a valid reason. I can see that. Just suppose we are able to handle XYZ, Suppose we handled it – and really met your needs in that area, in your opinion do you feel you would want to ____ ?” As-if frame with a test close. You will get a commitment or their real objection.
6. Align and Provide a Cushion: I-He-They-Often= I hear that often. People say that a lot. DON’T USE THE WORD BUT. Also, the Agreement frames:- “I appreciate and ”=
- “I respect and “=
- “I agree and “=
- Turn it into a question. Reframing someone’s focus. They are comfortable now. “I appreciate what you are saying, and people say that often. ” “And that raises a question. In spite of ___ ___ , isn’t the real question – can you get <enough value to justify buying> here? Isn’t that the real question? Does this make sense to you?”
- “No money in the budget” – “you know what, I hear that a lot from the companies I deal with. They have already spent their budget for the year, but they still want the service. And I can really appreciate the pickle that puts them in. And I think that brings up a question – and the real question is “how do we get you the benefits of the program right now?” or “how do we get you the benefits you want right now in spite of all that?” Isn’t that really the question?
- Once they answer yes, now you just have to find a way to structure it.
- “That brings up a question, I think the real question is, how do we handle XYZ and go about getting you the benefits of this now, so you don’t have to suffer anymore.”
- Open the hurt again. Remind of problem and motivation to buy.
- “I hear a lot of people say that, and that brings up a question. Even though you don’t have the money, if you don’t do this – won’t it end up costing you a lot more? The real question is how do we find a way to get you the benefits now – isn’t that the real question? Because you really want it, right? <well yea> So, the question is ‘how do we go about doing that, right’?”
- Or “I can get it cheaper somewhere.” “I can appreciate that. And I think the big question is, ‘can you benefit more from our plan?’ despite the concern about your initial investment?” Gets focus on benefits instead of concerns.
- Answer the question. Use ‘Why TOM and ED’
- Why = Question why they would even say that? “you just told me you need __ , so why would you even question this?”
- T= Turn it around. “That’s probably the best reason you should do this.”
- O= Make sure you outweigh it. More and more reasons to do it. Values question: “I know you are wanting XX (emotional, big value) and I know you have some concerns about the YY (smaller sounding problem). But, isn’t it true XX is much more important?”
- M= minimize it. “You are right. It’s a large investment. But, how long will you use it for?” Break it down into smaller portions. Day/month/year. Reduce it to the ridiculous.
- E= explain it. “yeah, it costs more but here is why.”
- D= deny it. “That’s just not true. I know that may be the perception based off what you heard. But, it’s just not true.” Deny vigorously and congruent.
- Tie it down and test close. “In your opinion, do you feel that you would do this for yourself or the family?” “That makes sense, doesn’t it?”
- If no, “I’m sure you have your reasons, do you mind my asking…”
- Make it final.
- Assume the sale! Most important. Congratulate them on a wise decision, not thank. Can do an order blank close. Pay by check or credit card?
- Only purpose is to let them know they have bought.
If they aren’t buying it’s because they have associated more pain to buying than pleasure. Must increase the hurt, give ERBN and LRBN. Show them a way to JUSTIFY it. Align and redirect.