???? My reading notes for 100 million dollar offers by Alex Hormozi. Chapter 13. Enhancing the offer. Bonuses. A single offer is less valuable than the same offer, broken into components and stacked on top of each other. We anchor the price that we tell them to the core offer. Establish that the core offer is worth that. Now, each incremental addition is a value add.
Add bonuses whenever possible instead of cutting prices. When negotiating the deal, never discount your main offer. It teaches the client that your prices are negotiable. In one selling, only offer the bonuses after asking for the sale. So, ask for the sale greater than if they say no. Add a bonus tied to their objection greater than ask again.
Invokes reciprocity. Give the bonuses a special name that has the benefit in the title. Tell them a, how it relates to their issues. Be what it is. See how you discovered it and how you created it. D how it will specifically improve their life or experience. E how it will make things easier, faster, or less sacrifice.
Provide some proof can use past clients, stat, or personal experience, paint a vivid mental picture of what their life will look like. Assuming they have already used the product and seeing the benefits tools and checklists are better than additional trainings. Each bonus should address a concern within the client’s mind of why they can’t or won’t be successful.
This can also be what they logically think they will need next. The value of the bonuses should eclipse the main offer. Psychologically, as you add offers, it builds the price to value discrepancy because it says, wow, if the bonuses are this valuable, the main offer must be way more valuable than I thought.
Add scarcity and urgency to the bonuses. Put time constraints advanced. At other businesses and services, you can get other businesses to give you their products and services for free to get access to your customers. Then could negotiate a commission from the other businesses for your clients that do buy reversing risk.
The biggest objection can improve an offer to four times, four types of guarantees. One unconditional where they pay first and see if they like it to conditional include terms and conditions want to make them better than money back guarantee. If you know the key aspects it takes to have a great experience, make them part of the guarantee.
Three, anti guarantee all sales are final. You must explain and be creative. Customer must immediately be yes, that makes sense. Things that massively diminish in value when used. Four, implied guarantee any offer that is performance based. Performance sharing. Revenue sharing. Ratchets. If I don’t do well, I don’t get paid, but if I do very well, I will be very well compensated.
You must hit your guarantee hard, even if you don’t have one. You must say it bold and give the reason why. Realistically, even if you make a crazy guarantee, most people won’t take advantage of it. Plus, if you close 130 percent more people and your refund doubles from 5 percent to 10%, you still make 23 percent more.
And that all goes to bottom line. If you have a product that requires their effort, tie the guarantee to their efforts. Can stack them to name it something cool, paint a unique and fun picture. The only thing guaranteed to not help you is walking out of here today. Bigger, broader guarantees work better with lower ticket B to C businesses.
People won’t bother to come use it. Chapter 14, Enhancing the Offer. Guarantees. Conditional outsized guarantee, i. e., double your money back, or no strings attached more than they get paid, for high margin ideas. At a consumption condition, they have to do something. The higher the ticket, the more business oriented it is, the more you want to steer towards specific guarantees.
Guarantees. One guy sold 27, 000, 000 on a 297 course in one day on a web marketing course by saying if you do all this stuff and spend X. And don’t get yee, I will buy your store from you for 25, 000. But only 10 people get the guarantee. We’ll also help get better results because they have to do the conditional items.
We will keep working for you until Y is achieved. Make it conditional as well. Conditional service guarantee you keep working for them free until X is achieved. Or Mosey’s favorite, you are never at risk for losing the money. Conditional Modified Service Guarantee, you give them another Y long period of service or product free.
Generally, Y will be twice the duration, that way not on hook forever. Conditional Credit Based Guarantee, you give them back what they paid as a credit toward any service you offer. Conditional Wage Payment Guarantees, you offer to pay them whatever their hourly rate is if they take a meeting and don’t see value.
If they want to get the guarantee, ask for their tax returns and divide it out, which nobody will do. Conditional release of service guarantee you will let them out of their contract. Conditional delayed second payment guarantee you don’t bill them the second installment until they get their first outcome.
Anti guarantee you are convincing them that they are getting access to unique very valuable service or product. Something that once seen can’t be unseen. Once used can’t be taken away. Since it’s so common to have a guarantee to not have one can be attention worthy. Don’t be wishy washy about it. Be bold.
Products of service that require custom work. Performance rev share, et cetera. You pay me X of profit or sales or return ratchet. You pay me X up to Y Z to a et cetera. If I do a, I get B drawbacks or tracking and collection can set up a rev share with a minimum. So we get X of profits to a min of Y Y can be X per month for three months.
Then why reversing risk is the number one way to increase conversion of an offer. Put a lot of thought into it. What are they most afraid of? Reverse it. Guarantee worksheet www. acquisition. com slash training slash offers and watch creating guarantees tutorial implicit egotism effect. We are naturally drawn to the things and people who most resemble us.
Magic headline formula must make them interested in taking action. Overtime offers fatigue, especially in a local market. That’s why you have to create new hooks, stories, and offers around your product. Generally, the smaller your sales radius, the quicker it will fatigue, change the pics, then the copy, then the headline, then the duration, then change the enhancer.
If that doesn’t work, then change the price points and such. Not changing the offer, just changing the wrapping paper. M Magnet. Attention. Make a magic reason why. Can be anything. Can make a joke of it. Why are we making this great offer, or why they should respond to this great offer. Spring, summer, back to school, overstock, new year, avatar, discrimination.
M Magnet. Attention. Who you are looking for and not looking for. Be as specific as possible. The more local you can make it, the better it will perform. GG goal purpose. Articulate your prospect’s dream outcome. Event, feeling, or outcome. Anything that will excite them. The more specific and tangible the better.
Celebrity smile, first place, grand slam offer, perfect product, little black dress, double your profit, make your friends jealous makeover. I interval timeline. Letting them know the time to expect. Can sometimes be a problem on social paid ads because they see it as a guarantee to over promise. See method container words, bundle of words that makes you not a commodity bootcamp masterclass detox masterminds summit, fast track, rebirth, attack, assault, find time to rhyme, alliteration, make them start with the same letter or sound.
Not all are mandatory. Probably need three balance of brevity and specificity must test. Don’t have to be in the magic order. Don’t be emotional about it. Try a bunch. Test. Name sub items and bonuses too. Chapter, your first 100, 000. You have to. 1. You cannot be made into a commodity in this market too.
Niches get your riches 3. You should charge a lot of money 4. Use the 4 core value drivers to charge a lot of money 5. Create a value offer using the 5 step 6. Stack bonuses on top to create extra value, not as part of the offer. The actually offer must be worth the price. The bonuses are on top of that. 7.
Shift the demand curve using scarcity 8. Use urgency to decrease the action threshold of buyers. 9. Reverse buyer risk with a creative guarantee. 10. Name it in a way that resonates with your avatar.