Now you have to ENROLL them: To do that, there is info you need to know. Must qualify them and they have to have certain info. Probe for problems and magnify the hurt: Some would call this qualifying. You have to get them to see something that motivates them. What are their real deep wants and needs? Then magnify their wants and hurts.
- Needs: if you can fulfill a want while filling a need – you are in business. You need a dependable car, but want a Ferrari.
- Wants
- Wounds: open feelings that are already there. Generally they aren’t really aware of their problems. An undisturbed prospect will not buy. Sell them back their hurt.
- Authority: Do they have the authority to make the decision.
- Money: Do they have the money, or access to it.
You must also uncover their buying strategies: These are the unconscious patterns that people use to sort info. Helps present info in the way they want to hear it. These are also ‘metaprograms.” How we focus on the world. Find out by asking questions. There are 10 focusing patterns:
Move toward Motivation: We prefer to have the carrot dangled. Will get defensive if you stir the hurt. More motivated by “you will miss out on this pleasure if you don’t do.” Possibility.
For example: “if you were going to send an employee through a program like ours, what are 3 results you would need to see?………what would happen in your business if you don’t get those results?” What will that mean, then what would that do.
- If they are a toward person focus on 1st answer. If away then focus on 2nd.
- If you say “have to” they are going to try to come up with reasons why they don’t.
Moving Away From people: Something has to be threatened. Might be able to set up the threat through the environment. Find out by asking about “What do you want out of a job? Out of a relationship? Out of a car? Etc” and see if they are moving away or toward.
Analyze the Frame of Reference: Do they look inside (internal) or outside (external) focus? Most people lean toward external (love to tell you how they feel). “Let me ask you a question, How do you know when you are good at something? How do you know when you have really done a good job?”
Generally get a “I just know. I feel it” = internal. Don’t tell an internal person what to do. They shut down and fight you. THEY know what’s right. Say “You know what, I think you should just decide on your own. I don’t want to influence you.”
- “Listen, I don’t know what’s right for you. You are the only person who knows what’s right for you. What was right for me was <this> and <this> and <this>. I don’t know what is right for you. What do you think would be right? Would you like to <stop this now> or do <something else> (both being the same thing).”
- Are they focused on what’s possible in a situation or on necessity: You can move toward pleasure, but only do it when absolutely necessary. Or they will only avoid even if there is the slightest possibility of pain.
- If your kids move toward pleasure but act out of necessity: ‘if you clean room you get this good stuff. Btw, you don’t have a choice.” “or, you better get your homework now so you can get into the college of your choice.” If away from pain can probably just give a look and say: “your room better be clean.” Or “if you don’t get into college you will have a miserable life.”
- If your kids move toward pleasure but act out of necessity: ‘if you clean room you get this good stuff. Btw, you don’t have a choice.” “or, you better get your homework now so you can get into the college of your choice.” If away from pain can probably just give a look and say: “your room better be clean.” Or “if you don’t get into college you will have a miserable life.”
- Are they focused on what’s possible in a situation or on necessity: You can move toward pleasure, but only do it when absolutely necessary. Or they will only avoid even if there is the slightest possibility of pain.
- Create conviction and test close: ERBN, LRBN. Get enough good to catapult the bad out. Test to see if they are ready to buy now. If not, add more Units of Conviction
- Relationship Sort: When some people receive a lot of info, they look for sameness. Say “oh, that is like….” This is a matcher. See everything as the same – and that can be bad.
- If they have dealt with something negative that is remotely the same as you, you will have problems getting through. So say “you know, you are right.” Then find something in their experience to relate it to. “And I bet there are times in your life where you have had <example of this generalizing> happen to you? What did you do?” “Well that that is exactly what we are doing now too.”
- All salesmen are bad= “I know what you are saying. And you are right. There are some in the past that have made us all look bad. And I bet there are times in your life where people have misjudged you for some reason too, haven’t you? What did you do?”
- Sameness with exception person: So, respond to “this is why we are like other stuff, but this is how we are unique.”
- Or they look for differences= Mismatchers. You say “this is like” and they try to find the difference. They always look for, or say, the opposite. 2 kinds
- Polarity Response: they will always say the opposite. So, you use reverse psychology. Congruently say the opposite (i.e..don’t let them know you are doing). Say “I don’t really know if this is right for you. Don’t think it will work. This is really for people who are <this> and <this> and <this>.”
- Mismatcher by counterexample: won’t go completely opposite. Generally say “that may be true, BUT…” Whatever you give as an example, they give a counter example. So, give counter examples of why they shouldn’t buy. “A lot of people who have dealt with us have had X,Y,Z result and are thrilled. And, I gotta tell you that not everyone has.”
- They will subconsciously go “this guy is intelligent and he’s telling the truth.”
- If they have dealt with something negative that is remotely the same as you, you will have problems getting through. So say “you know, you are right.” Then find something in their experience to relate it to. “And I bet there are times in your life where you have had <example of this generalizing> happen to you? What did you do?” “Well that that is exactly what we are doing now too.”
When selling people you have to know their “Convincer Strategy.”
What makes them feel convinced that it’s time to buy? Some are convinced by seeing. Some are more auditory oriented – need to hear about it. Some people are kinesthetic- and need to do it. Some are digital and need it in writing.
- “How do you know when a co-worker is really good at what they do?” Do you need to see them doing it? Do you need to hear about it from someone else? Do you need to do it with them? Or do you just need a report?
- 2nd part is time. How many times or for how long do you need to see it?
- Automatic Convincer: Just need to experience their strategy once
- Period of Time: Need to experience it for a period of time
- Number of Times: Need to experience a number of times
- Consistent: Never believe. Need to see it TODAY.
What is their primary focus? How do we sort info? Do they care solely on how it effects me, now it effects others, or just data? Can’t sell life insurance to a self person. Don’t sell a CPA on moral.
“Other” Sorters will typically kind of lean in, look interested, nod. Self Sorters really don’t care about that.
Are they Completion oriented or process oriented? For Completion Oriented you just start filling out the order form. Process people might want you out 4 or 5 times. “What do you enjoy most? Just getting stuff done or the journey along the way?”
Generalities or Specificity: Broad stroke ideas or specifics. Use the wrong and you don’t get trust. “Do you want the big picture to start with, or the details?”