Today’s Blog post comes from
“Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work)”
by Stephan Schiffman
Get it off Amazon Here
The “Secret” to getting filthy rich in sales is making the sales calls. The thing is…… have to get the leads to call. Learn the “where” of leads
Chapter 3: Where to Look for Leads
Even setting the first appointment does not really mean we’re dealing with a prospect. It still is simply an opportunity, a candidate, or a lead. A prospect is someone who’s progressing with you through the steps of the sales process. But, for right now, you should know right now that the 4 steps of the sales process are:
- The Opening
- The Information Stage
- The Presentation Stage
- The Closing Stage
As a practical matter, a prospect is someone who is in steps 1,2, or 3. There are 3 types of potential customers in the world of sales:
- A customer, an account, or client – someone with whom you have a closed sale
- A lead, suspect, candidate, opportunity – someone you want to talk with
- A prospect – someone you are working with and who’s already past the opening step
Generating Leads
- The most important tool you have for lead generation is your word of mouth. Every single person knows an average of 250 people. Therefore, it’s important that you understand the value of telling people what you do. But selling your friends, relatives, and acquaintances is not the best way. It’s not effective and it can create enemies. Instead: use your friends, relatives, and acquaintances as a way to generate leads. For example, when was the last time you told your life insurance agent what you do for a living? In order for a life insurance agent to be successful, he or she has to sell at least 1200 people. Did you know your accountant probably does 300 tax returns a year?
- All of your friends have these people in their circles.
- We overestimate how many people know who we are and underestimate how many people our acquaintances know.
- Civic Organizations: Another way to generate leads is by becoming involved in civic organizations.
- Conferences: On average, you will get 1 lead from every 10 people you meet
- The T Call: When you’re on an appointment and, after that appointment, you go to the right, to the left, and behind you – and come back to the office with 3 more contacts.
- Existing Business: