Reading Notes For: 

Messages, Concepts, and Value Propositions

Most people don’t put much thought into the message they are trying to communicate. They just talk, assuming the audience will figure it out.

A good message is clear enough for the listener to understand the actions expected of them. The goal is to eliminate as much as possible the need for any assumptions.

Key Messages

Key messages are the main points of information someone wants their audience to hear, understand, and remember. These are consumable summaries that communicate what you do, why you do it, how you are different, and what value you bring to the table. Key messages clarify meaning and make it easy to remember what you said because it was simple.

Key messages allow for personal expression and creativity in delivery, which promotes authentic communications.

Tips to Create Effective Messages

▪ Split Messages by Topic

A goal could be three to five messages per area of focus. That way the messages are easy to remember, and a design and social media team can easily stay on message.

▪ Focus on Value

The message should illustrate the differentiated value to the intended customer. The more focused and niched the message, the better. Niche messages have more impact and better conversion rates.

▪ Focus on Action

The message should compel an audience to act, so be clear on simple action steps. Anything too complex creates friction, and friction kills conversion.

▪ Keep It Simple

Don’t make an audience do any extra thinking. Value should be immediately apparent and memorable. If an audience has to calculate or derive value, then rework the message until it is immediately obvious. This is not as easy as it sounds, but it’s worth the effort.

▪ Tailor Your Message

When possible, adjust the message to meet the specific needs of a customer. Anytime we can customize for a customer, we do. In today’s noisy world, an ounce of customization goes a long way.

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